Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Poor Fractured Atlas

I walked into the kitchen and entered the library.

I turned around. I was definitely in the library, but I had walked down the hallway to the kitchen. I walked out of the library.

I was in the bedroom. There were books scattered across the floor - my feeble attempt at having a dreamless sleep. I walked out of the bedroom and entered the kitchen.

I looked around the kitchen. The angles of the corners seemed to be off. The refrigerator was two feet away from where it used to be.

I walked back to the living room and sat down. I took several deep breaths. There was a lamp next to the chair and I turned it on.

All the shadows in the room were suddenly illuminated and they slid up the walls and passed overhead, disappearing into the ceiling. The only shadows in the room now were the ones I cast myself.

I'm sitting here and waiting. I don't know how long I'll have to wait, but I will.

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